Welcome to New Community Church!
Looking for a lively, informal church?
We warmly welcome you to join us.
Families, and being family, are at the heart of the church and we welcome children of all ages.
When do we meet?
We meet every Sunday in our new home at The Fly Cup meeting rooms (above the cafe) on Burghmuir Circle in Inverurie. We start from 11 am with coffee and tea while we set up and aim to start our service by 11.30.
We shall restart our weeekly meetings on 1st September and a warm welcome awaits anyone who cares to join us.
Go to our EVENTS page to see what is going on…..
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We are committed to:
- Worshipping God with our whole lives
- Teaching God's word and applying it day to day
- Being full of the Holy Spirit and releasing His gifts
- Being an encouraging, witnessing community
We would love to welcome you to our family here at New Community Church!
We have chosen a motto to encourage us to look for God's hand at work through the year. God's timing is not ours and when we get impatient we do well to seek our heavenly father.